tut1 Here, i'm gonna explain how to make a quick and easy connector.

Brief intro.
Water rocket is filling a PET (think coke bottle) with water (1/3), sealing it, pumping it full of air, and letting it shoot upwards through the force of the exiting water and air.

The easiest way to make a launcher, is through gardena type garden hose connections. However, these dont' normally fit too well onto the PET bottle. However, as i am going to show below, sometimes they do....

Universal Tap AdaptorUniversal Tap Adaptor
PET bottle lid.
hot glue gun (other glues may work)

1) Take aprt the universal tap adaptor. It just unscrews. Don't bother to remove any of the rubber.
2)Make a hole in the PET bottle lid, and the little blue thinng that comes inside it.
3)Insert like thisdiagram
4)Take out. Get your hot glue out, and run a bead of glue around the PET lid, as low as possible. Quickly put in the bottom half of the universal tap adapter before the glue dries.
5) Jam down hard. Once the glue has dried, you should end up with something like this.It glued
6) Seal around the edge with more hot glue if neccessary. This is not desirable, it's just a patch.
7) How to use. Screw it on, use the gardena quick connect thingo.
on bottlewith connector

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